June 10, 2016

Bad Words

The cubical club now is part of my daily zone. I spend 40 hours a week with people in this club right in the left corner of the room. Nobody touch their thirty yet, which means we are the most energetic-youthful team in the whole office. A thing about working with young people around is we don’t really bother with manners and had zero tendencies to use highly decent language to each other in the club.
Even some of my colleagues address each other’s by 'pet' names like; 'Njing' or 'Nyet' (though Nyet [monkey: mo-nyet] is not a pet). Also, they do not hesitate to swear using these kinda words; kampret, tai, telek, sial, sialan, siaul, anjir, bangsat, mampus, if they feel annoyed. And we used to it. They use to it. It's like those bad words become the common word people using in daily conversation as common as we'll say 'hey', 'good bye' or 'hallo'.
Therefore, within the entrance of Ramadan an idea popped up; that we should pay 1K rupiah for each bad word or sarcastic word we pronounced either it's accidentally or by any means. Everybody was in, even the Christians like Ricco, Sherly (the new mar-comm), and kak Cipet were exited.
In day two, everyone has already paying for their bad words while I had no expertise to actively participate. I basically an expert introvert. I don't talk much even less cursing people around. Well, cursing is some kinda anger or annoy released for me. I did curse sometimes; I'll say the F word or 'darn it' a hundred times while whisper it to my sellf.
After all, I guess this idea became a social punishment game that made some of us think twice before saying bad words. Finally, this cubical club has gave me something to write about.
Anyway, let's see how much 'dirty money' we gained in the end of this fasting month. And where it goes for. Until then.

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