February 17, 2016


Mulki Salam, my parents named me. I was called 'Mul' or complete 'Mulki' till I was graduated from highschool. Entering collage I thought modifying my nickname is the best thing I could do. Because things were always like this when I met new people;

New people : what's your name?
Me : its Mulki.
New people : who? Multi?
Me : No,  Mulki.
New people : Pungki?
Me : Mul-ki.
New people: Oh,  OK Mungki.
Me : *preparing a knife to kill this person*

Now you know why I took a brief nickname like 'Uki', because honestly I don't want to stab people every time they misspell my name.

Apparently, it's not only me who modifying my own name, some friends did it too. Uksay (Uki Sayang *eaaaa) is my other name. Three of hundred female friends call me that way, Bu Kicau, Bontot,  and Elisa.

'Uk' with Indonesia's spelling give it a hang-pause-sound to the K. Sometimes they doubled or tripled the pronounce and made it like a sound of a barking dog,  'uk-uk-uk' (with Indonesian pronounce only). Yeah, some called me with that monosyllable name.

A dorm friend called my by last name.

One of the most creative was my friend Ucan who gave me this awkward name. From Mul-ki she plays with the syllable, reverse it become Ki-mul. Next step she upgrades it become Kimulabotol, which is I don't know from what planet she stole that language. She, then, used Kimul instead and change the 'k' with 'c',  now my name is Cimul.

Did she stops already? Nope, next step she calls me only with first syllable; Cim,  which is now have additional 'e' in front of it. Encim, that's now she finally called me. But thank God she stops there.


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